Publication TALENT

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2018 Evaluation Report: Review of the learning assessments evaluation framework
The report highlights current country status of three piloted countries: Kenya, Rwanda and Zambia, regarding types of learning assessment conducted in the country and how each country was performing against the projected Norms and Standards in the LASEF.
21st Century Skills: What potential role for the Global Partnership for Education?
This report considers the role that the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) could take in supporting partner countries in embedding 21st-century skills or equivalent within their education systems.
A avaliação das aprendizagens na Africa subsariana
Este estudo cartográfico é o resultado de um trabalho realizado sob a égide da Rede de Educadores para a Transformação do Ensino-Aprendizagem (TALENT), equipa de trabalho do grupo regional de coordenação de ODD 4 na África Ocidental e Central e plataforma
Ao longo dos últimos anos,manifestou-se um interesserenovado pela qualidadeda educação. Cinco anosapós a adoção da agenda«Educação 2030» e dosObjetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável(ODS) em 2015, alguns sinais mostram queos países ainda não respe
A Conceptual Framework for Competencies Assessment
The series of reflections covers a wide array of knowledge products, among them: discussion papers, policy briefs, frameworks, guidelines, prototypes, resource packs, learning tools and multimedia resources.
Action research: measuring literacy programme participants’ learning outcomes Results of the first phase (2011–2014)
This document is the first publication resulting from the action research on measuring literacy programme participants’ learning outcomes, known by the acronym RAMAA.
Analyzing and Utilizing Assessment Data for Better Learning Outcomes
This report is the outcome of a collaborative regional study that seeks to identify learning enablers based on analyzing learning assessment data.
Assessment of Transversal Competencies
This report draws on reports from nine participating countries/jurisdictions in the Asia-Pacific: Australia, Hong Kong (China), India, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Viet Nam.
Bright and Early: How financing pre-primary education gives every child a fair start in life
Moving towards quality early childhood development for all
Cartographie des évaluations de l'enseignement à distance pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 en Afrique subsaharienne
La plupart des gouvernements du monde (192 pays) ont temporairement fermé les
établissements scolaires afin de contenir la propagation de la pandémie de
CESA JOURNAL: Continental education strategy for Africa 2016-2025 Vol. 01
First issue of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25) Journal. This bi-annual Journal will be the opportunity to highlight CESA activities that are carried out across the continent.
CESA JOURNAL: Implementation Progress of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa Vol. 02
This bi-annual CESA Journal provides the platform to engage all stakeholders and highlight reflections, debates, activities and innovative interventions for strength-ening education and training towards the “Africa We Want”.
Communautés en action: Apprendre tout au long de la vie pour le développement durable
Ce manuel a été conçu comme un guide informatif élémentaire à l’intention des représentants des pouvoirs publics nationaux et municipaux et de ceux qui collaborent avec les centres communautaires d’apprentissage ou d’autres organisations communautaires.
La présente publication formule une série de recommandations portant sur la sélection, la conduite et l’utilisation des évaluations orales de la lecture.
COVID-19 Crisis and Curriculum: Sustaining Quality Outcomes in the Context of Remote Learning
Issue note 4.2 within the UNESCO Education Sector COVID-19 Response series was developed by UNESCO Beirut, IBE, Education Policy sector and the Bangkok and Abuja offices on curriculum and quality learning.
COVID-19: a global crisis for teaching and learning
An infographic representation of the effect of COVID-19 on teaching and learning in Africa and other world regions.
COVID-19: une crise mondiale pour l'enseignement et l'apprentissage
Une infographie qui montre les effets du COVID-19 sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage en Afrique et d'autres régions.
Déchiffrer le code : l'éducation des filles aux sciences, technologie, ingénierie et mathématiques (STEM)
Le présent rapport est une synthèse des travaux pour mobiliser les filles, les inspirer et leur donner les moyens
d’entreprendre des études et une carrière dans le domaine des STEM.
Developing the Education Workforce in Africa: Focusing on the Role of Families/Communities
Background Paper produced by ADEA for The Learning Generation report
Education Management Information System: Situational analysis system report Namibia
The objective of the mission was to conduct a scoping for the identification of a new ADEA supported project that will address the management of teacher and learner attendance data in schools.
Effective use of large-scale learning assessments
This Policy Brief, based on promising practices,1 was prepared for the
Teaching and Learning Educators’ Network for Transformation (TALENT)
member countries in order to offer practical guidance on successful
approaches to improving the use of Large-Scale
Facing Forward : Schooling for Learning in Africa
This book lays out a range of policy and implementation actions that are needed for countries in sub-Saharan Africa to meet the challenge of improving learning while expanding access and completion of basic education for all.
Guide rapide No. 2 Établir le bien-fondé de l’évaluation de l’apprentissage
Les évaluations de l’apprentissage font partie des réformes de l’éducation les moins onéreuses, et coûtent généralement beaucoup moins que de construire des écoles ou de recruter des enseignants.
Guide rapide No. 3 Mettre en œuvre une évaluation nationale de l’apprentissage
...Il est important pour les pays de savoir dans quelle mesure les élèves apprennent
Hear it from the Teachers: Getting Refugee CHildren Back to Learning
The report advocates for prioritizing and investing in teachers in order to meet the urgent and overwhelming educational needs of refugee children.